Statement by UK Political Coordinator Fergus Eckersley at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine.

Thank you Madam President, and thank you to Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo for your briefing. And we welcome the representative of Ukraine to the Chamber for this meeting. The UK deeply regrets all loss of life in this war wherever it occurs. But perhaps we should start with a few facts which Russia tries to hide from the world and its own people.  

In the 700 days since Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine began, many, many thousands of people have been killed or injured at the hands of Russian forces.

Russia has carried out relentless attacks on civilian infrastructure, homes, schools, hospitals, and places of worship. Russian forces are reported to be responsible for large-scale atrocities, including torture, sexual violence, forced deportations and summary executions.

In the process, staggering numbers of Russian soldiers have themselves been killed and Russian families bereaved. It is the Russian Government alone that is responsible for the death and suffering caused by this war. 

No amount of disinformation can obscure the very basic fact that it was Russia who invaded Ukraine unprovoked, and in clear violation of the UN Charter. It is a war that President Putin refuses to end, despite all the damage that it has done to Russia’s standing in the world, and despite the enormous numbers of Russian men and women who have been killed. He has instead chosen to double down on an imperialist fantasy. 

Russian strikes continue to rain down on Ukraine using weapons procured from Kim Jong Un in violation of Security Council Resolutions. So, when Russia comes to this Council, intent on disseminating their propaganda, let us instead all remember who is responsible for this war and its terrible human cost; who continues to trample all over the principles of this organisation; and who has the power to immediately bring this war to an end.

And when Russia campaigns to undermine the supply of Western weapons, as they do again today, let us instead be proud to stand resolutely with Ukraine in defence of their sovereignty and territorial integrity. The quickest path to peace is for President Putin to end his illegal invasion. We repeat our call for Russia to respect the UN Charter and to withdraw its forces from Ukraine. 

Thank you.

Published 6 February 2024