Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on the Central African Republic.

James Kariuki

Thank you President. I would like to thank SRSG Rugwabiza, Executive Director Bahous, Commissioner Bankole, and Mr Ngatondang for their briefing

I will make four points in response to what we have heard.

First, the United Kingdom reiterates the continued importance of the Political Agreement for Peace and Stability in CAR. It remains the only viable option to end protracted conflict. We call on the CAR authorities to build on political progress and ensure meaningful engagement with all political actors in country. We commend the efforts of SRSG Rugwabiza and MINUSCA, along with strong regional engagement in supporting these efforts.

Second, the United Kingdom highlights the importance of transparent democratic processes in CAR. President Touadera’s plans to overhaul CAR’s constitution risk unraveling years of hard work to strengthen the country’s democratic system. The referendum serves as a distraction from the main issues facing the country, including the dire humanitarian, economic and security situation.

Plans for the constitutional referendum have delayed local elections that are part of the democratic restructuring of CAR and integral to its peace process. The United Kingdom hopes to see peaceful and credible local elections take place as quickly as possible.

Third, we are concerned by a continued and increasing disregard for human rights in CAR. The Secretary-General’s latest report noted that state actors, including Russian mercenary group Wagner, perpetrated the highest number of human rights violations during the reporting period. As in other contexts, Wagner continues to play a destabilising role in the country. We again call on the Government of CAR to coordinate fully all security actors operating in the country, to ensure they abide by applicable international humanitarian and human rights law, and to ensure that all perpetrators of violations or abuses are held to account.

Finally, President, the recent allegations of acts of sexual exploitation and abuse by some MINUSCA personnel are deeply concerning. We support the measures taken by the SRSG in repatriating the contingent of troops and urge a thorough investigation of all such allegations.

Thank you.

Published 20 June 2023