South Holland District Council will receive £20 million from the Levelling Up Fund for the Castle Sports Complex.

The Castle Sport Complex

The new health and wellbeing centre will improve activity and exercise opportunities in the area.

The site currently holds an outdated swimming pool and sports facilities. The new and improved Castle Sport Complex will provide new and updated facilities, including:

  • a large pool, teaching pool and splash pad
  • new sports spaces including fitness rooms
  • a new 3G floodlit football pitch
  • a community allotment and sensory gardens
  • a skateboard area
  • bowling lanes

Providing vital services for the community

Facilities will also be created for key services in the area, such as:

  • an Extra Care Housing scheme for older residents
  • mutual support sessions for carers
  • mental health support
  • Alzheimer’s and dementia support
  • bereavement support
  • group counselling
  • diabetes clinics

The masterplan also includes new cycleways and pedestrian routes that will link the complex to Spalding town centre.

Find out more about Levelling Up

Published 23 October 2023