Ambassador Holland responds to the report presentation by Ambassador Wahl, Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje.

Neil Holland

Thank you, Madam Chair.

Firstly, I would like to welcome back Ambassador Wahl to the Permanent Council. Thank you for the work of your team over the last year, and for this comprehensive report.

The United Kingdom highly appreciates the work and added value of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, and the Mission’s support to government reforms. We particularly recognise the important role played by the OSCE Mission in supporting North Macedonia to deliver its priorities as Chair-in-Office last year. I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to North Macedonia for its excellent Chairpersonship of the OSCE in 2023, and as a valued member of the Troika this year.

Madam Chair, as North Macedonia heads to the polls for presidential and parliamentary elections in the coming weeks, the OSCE – particularly ODIHR and the Mission to Skopje – will continue to have a vital role to play in supporting reforms. We encourage the Government of North Macedonia to follow up on the remaining ODIHR recommendations on electoral reforms, including those highlighted in the ODIHR Election Observation Mission interim report, issued last week.

We positively note the Mission’s achievements over the past 12 months, set out in detail in your report. We particularly welcome your continued engagement to promote social cohesion and community rights, and your support on integrated education – including work in the last 12 months to baseline standards of education in minority language communities.  

The UK is also pleased to note the Mission’s continued commitment to gender mainstreaming in all programmatic work. Your report highlights some excellent initiatives mainstreaming gender equality into North Macedonia’s law- and policy-making processes – including the development of training on gender aspects of corruption, and through the successful handover of the Mission’s flagship Gender Mentoring Programme to North Macedonia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Madam Chair, the United Kingdom and North Macedonia have developed a strong and supportive bilateral relationship since we established diplomatic relations 30 years ago. The UK will remain a strong supporter of North Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic path, and we look forward to working with the incoming government towards these ends. I have no doubt that the OSCE Mission to Skopje will continue to have an important role to play in supporting the next government to deliver its priorities.

Thank you, Ambassador Wahl. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Published 18 April 2024