The Northern Ireland (Interim Arrangements) Act, which received Royal Assent yesterday (24 May 2023), also allows the UK Government to explore, with the Northern Ireland Civil Service, options for budget sustainability.

Current civil servant decision-making arrangements are due to expire on 5 June. This Act continues these powers until an Executive is formed, and in the absence of ministers enables preparatory work to take place around options for budget sustainability, including further revenue raising. Further, the Act requires that NI departmental accounts are laid in the House of Commons to increase transparency and scrutiny around how public money is spent.

This Act supports the UK Government’s focus on the restoration of the Executive and Assembly. Locally elected, accountable and effective devolved government is the right way for Northern Ireland to be governed, per the vision of the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement.

Through this Act, the UK Government is acting  to ensure the management of public services and funds can continue, but a restored Executive is necessary to progress much needed and long promised public service transformation.

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Rt Hon Chris Heaton-Harris MP said:

I greatly appreciate the ongoing work by Northern Ireland’s civil servants to keep public services going while we are without an Executive. While I am hopeful that locally elected ministers will once again resume their responsibilities in government, this new legislation ensures continued governance for the people of NI.

The government has a responsibility to provide this certainty, and our desire to see an Executive restored recognises that strong local devolved government offers the best way to build a brighter future for the people, communities and businesses of NI.

Notes to editor

  • More information on the Northern Ireland (Interim Arrangements) Act is available here.
  • Finalised guidance on decision-making for NI departments has been published here.
Published 25 May 2023