Lord Ahmad’s statement on reports of sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas, calling for them to be fully investigated to ensure justice for survivors and victims

Horrifying reports of sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas on 7th October detail abhorrent acts of violence against Israeli women and girls and other civilians. Sexual violence is all too often a tactic to terrorise civilians, shattering lives and leaving brutal and lifelong scars on victims, their families, and communities. The UK stands in solidarity with all of the victims and survivors of these abhorrent acts. The people of Israel continue to experience the devastating impact of Hamas’ terror attack and many families grieve for loved ones who remain hostage. That’s why we are using all channels to facilitate their release.  We express serious concern about emerging reports of sexual violence, against both women and men, while they were held in Hamas captivity in Gaza and call for the immediate, safe and unconditional release of those still held.  The UK condemns sexual violence unequivocally and without exception. These reports must be fully investigated to ensure justice for survivors and victims.

Conflict-related sexual violence is an abuse of human rights and when perpetrated in the context of an armed conflict, can constitute a violation of international humanitarian law such as a war crime. The international community should be clear in condemning sexual violence wherever it occurs, including in Israel. We stand with all victims and survivors of conflict-related sexual violence. Through our Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict programmes and dedicated funding totalling £60 million, we are leading work internationally to prevent conflict-related sexual violence and strengthen justice and support for all survivors. It is also why I championed the establishment of the International Alliance on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict to ensure we all pull together.

Women and children are paying the highest price in this conflict, and the scale of human suffering is intolerable. The UK has made clear to Israel our shock at the scale of Palestinian civilian deaths in Gaza. It is vital that Israel adheres to international humanitarian law and takes all measures to protect civilians. Israel must abide by its obligations to protect children under applicable international humanitarian and human rights law. Palestinian civilians should not suffer the consequences of Hamas’ inhumanity and brutality. Conflict has a disproportionate impact on women, exacerbating pre-existing inequalities and increasing the risk of gender-based violence. The acute needs and vulnerabilities of women in Gaza must be addressed. Palestinian civilians are experiencing a devastating and growing humanitarian crisis. The UK has announced a further £30 million worth of humanitarian assistance, bringing it to a total of £60 million, to address civilian needs including those of women and children. 

This tragedy in the Middle East, unfolding before our eyes, of which the world is seized, needs an urgent solution to end the conflict and a sustainable, long-term resolution. This can only be achieved through the delivery of a two-state solution.

Published 15 December 2023