Brian Holliday will support work investigating the pro-innovation regulation of advanced manufacturing, one of the Chancellor’s five key growth areas.

Following an announcement at the Autumn Statement, the Government Chief Scientific Adviser is reviewing existing rules and helping develop a pro-innovation regulatory approach that allows the UK to fulfil its ambition to become a science superpower. 

The aim of the review is to establish the UK as the best regulated economy in the world in key growth sectors, ensuring that industry and investors have the certainty they need to drive innovation, investment and growth by anticipating new developments in emerging technologies.

In March, Sir Patrick Vallance published reviews on digital technologies and green industries and the government accepted both reports’ recommendations. Having taken up the role of Government Chief Scientific Adviser in April 2023, Professor Dame Angela McLean is continuing this work and published a review on life sciences in May and on the creative industries in June. Again, the government has been pleased to accept all recommendations in each report. Dame Angela will soon publish a report on the Chancellor’s one remaining key growth sector: advanced manufacturing.

Brian Holliday has been appointed to work alongside Steve Bagshaw and support Professor Dame Angela on this report, working directly with industry to help engage stakeholders and shape the report.

Brian Holliday FREng is managing director for Siemens Digital Industries, co-chair of the Made Smarter commission, a government-industry partnership encouraging the development and adoption of digital technology by UK manufacturers, a board member for Make UK, the manufacturer’s organisation, and a former supervisory board member for the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.

Published 14 July 2023