Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council

The United Kingdom is committed to ensuring that everyone, everywhere can enjoy their human right to freedom of religion or belief – a commitment we share with Ukraine, which has been fighting to protect democracy, plurality and human rights in Ukraine from Russian assault for decades.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has expressed open support for Putin’s illegal invasion, which has brought so much suffering upon Ukraine. This suffering includes, as Director Saad said, the recent destruction of the cathedral in Odesa.

And to think Russia has the audacity to lecture us on religious freedom.

It is entirely understandable that Ukraine wants to protect its national security in the face of these attacks, and it has every right to do so.

If Russia is serious about ensuring freedom of religion or belief in Ukraine, instead of using spurious Security Council meetings to advance the kind of disinformation we’ve heard today, and which I fear is not finished, it should end this senseless war and withdraw its forces.

Published 26 July 2023