Deputy Ambassador Brown regrets the tragic death of Oleg Horjan in unclear circumstances, and underlines UK concern regarding the continuing deterioration of the human rights situation in Transnistria.

Deirdre Brown MBE

The UK stands in support with the government of Moldova in bringing attention to this important issue. We are deeply concerned by the continuing deterioration of the human rights situation in Transnistria, and will continue to raise cases of human rights abuse in multilateral fora as well as directly with the highest levels of the Transnistrian de-facto leadership. We regret the tragic death of Oleg Horjan in unclear circumstances, and call for cooperation between the sides to undertake a complete and transparent investigation into the incident. If wrongdoing is found, the relevant parties must be held to account, in line with due process.

The UK welcomes the work of the OSCE Mission to Moldova to promote dialogue on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and in particular the support it gives to individual cases. Oleg Horjan himself had expressed his gratitude for the Mission’s support during his years in detention, and had welcomed the real world impact of the Mission’s engagement on human rights. We appreciate the Mission staff’s efforts on individual cases, as well as in other spheres such as addressing the gaps in current human rights curricula in universities on both banks of the Nistru.

I would like to take the opportunity to once again reaffirm the UK’s steadfast support for the Mission and its critical work to prevent escalation, reverse the deterioration of relations between Chisinau and Tiraspol and find practical solutions to the challenges of everyday life for all citizens.

Published 28 July 2023