Letters from the Secretary of State for Energy to fuel retailers and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).



2 August 2023

The Secretary of State wrote to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to reiterate the government’s strong support for the CMA’s interim voluntary fuel price data scheme.

22 December 2022

The Secretary of State wrote to fuel retailers calling on them to do everything possible to ensure that drivers are getting a fair deal.

8 July 2022

The Secretary of State wrote to the CMA thanking them for their initial report on the market for road fuel, following his request for an urgent review.

11 June 2022

The Business and Energy Secretary wrote to the Chief Executive of the CMA, requesting an urgent review of the fuel market, following concerns drivers aren’t getting a fair deal for fuel across the country.

Read the response letter from CMA and see the details of the UK fuel retail market review.

17 May 2022

The Business and Energy Secretary wrote to fuel retailers calling on them to do everything possible to ensure that drivers are getting a fair deal.