The Foreign Secretary condemns electoral violations, the suppression of opposition voices, and breaches of Ukrainian sovereignty during these elections.

The Foreign Secretary condemns electoral violations and the suppression of opposition voices during the Russian elections, as well as the breaches of Ukrainian sovereignty in conducting elections on Ukrainian territory.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron said:

These Russian elections starkly underline the depth of repression under President Putin’s regime, which seeks to silence any opposition to his illegal war.  

Putin removes his political opponents, controls the media, and then crowns himself the winner. This is not democracy.

Russia failed to uphold its commitments to OSCE principles guaranteeing that the will of the people would be expressed freely and fairly. We have seen widespread reports of electoral violations. Independent OSCE observers were not invited. 

Any candidate who expressed anti-war views was swiftly disqualified. With only 3 Kremlin-approved challengers, the outcome of this election was never in any doubt. 

The death of Alexei Navalny just weeks before the election was a tragic reminder of the severity of political repression in Russia today. Russia must immediately release all political prisoners, including dual-national Vladimir Kara-Murza. 

Holding elections on Ukrainian territory – as Russia did in Crimea, Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia – is an abhorrent violation of the UN Charter and Ukrainian sovereignty. These regions will always be Ukrainian; holding Russia’s presidential elections in these regions does not alter this fact. The UK continues to stand with Ukraine. 

Russia must uphold the commitments it freely signed up to and end aggression beyond its borders and repression within them.

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Published 18 March 2024