Campaign launches to offer new energy saving tips for families, alongside £150 in Warm Home Discount support for the most vulnerable.

  • It All Adds Up government campaign will help people make simple changes to save at least £100
  • Amazon’s Alexa will offer tips to help improve energy efficiency
  • Warm Home Discount to provide more than three million households with £150 to help with winter fuel costs 

Families can access simple energy saving tips from today, as the government teams up with Amazon Alexa to relaunch a public information campaign that helped British households save an estimated £120 million last winter.

Through a free collaboration between the government and Amazon, anyone asking Alexa how to reduce their energy bill will now receive the latest government advice on preparing their home for winter and using less energy in the long-term – which could save at least £100 a year. This experience will be available via Amazon Echo devices and on mobiles via the free Alexa app.

Phrases which will prompt Alexa include “Alexa, give me some energy saving tips”, “Alexa, give me tips to conserve energy” and “Alexa, give me tips to get ready for winter”.

The collaboration is part of today’s relaunch of the government’s It All Adds Up campaign, which last year saw 80% of people in the UK saying they had taken at least one of the money-saving actions. Alongside Alexa, advice is available online via the Help for Households website and through a public information campaign including partnerships, billboards and radio adverts later in the autumn.

It comes as more than three million households will from today get told they qualify for the Warm Home Discount. The automatic one-off £150 payment will help eligible, low-income customers in England, Scotland and Wales pay their energy bills over the winter.

Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Claire Coutinho said:

Energy prices are down 55 per cent since their peak, but we know many families are still facing pressures. That is why we are continuing to provide financial support, including targeted help, such as the £150 Warm Home Discount, for those most in need.

There are also some small, simple things families can do to keep their bills down – from reducing the boiler flow temperature to turning off radiators in rooms not being used, it all adds up.

Our collaboration with Amazon’s Alexa will help to make these tips easier to access as we relaunch our energy saving tips campaign, which helped families across the UK save around £120 million last winter.

Minister for Energy Consumers and Affordability Amanda Solloway said:

We want everyone to be able to take easy steps this winter to save money on their energy bills. By following tips such as reducing boiler flow temperature, or washing clothes at a lower temperature, families could save at least £100 a year.

And our Warm Home Discount will mean that over three million households receive more targeted support to help with the cost of energy.

John Boumphrey, UK Country Manager at Amazon, said:

With new energy saving tips on Alexa, you can simply ask for helpful advice on how to make simple changes around the home to help reduce energy costs this winter.

There are six low-to-no cost actions that collectively could save a typical household as much as £100 off their energy bill, with more advice available online.

The six measures are: 

  • Reducing boiler flow temperature to 60 degrees, saving up to £60 per year 
  • Getting your boiler serviced to prevent costly and unexpected repairs 
  • Bleeding radiators to remove air pockets and improve their efficiency 
  • Turning down radiators in rooms not being used, saving up to £50 per year 
  • Washing clothes at 30 degrees, saving up to £20 per year 
  • Installing an energy efficient showerhead, saving up to £40 per year 

The Warm Home Discount is automatically applied to bills between October 2023 and March 2024, or is available as a top-up voucher for those with a pre-payment meter. 

This comes as the Department for Work and Pensions launches its Household Support Fund Awareness Week to encourage vulnerable people across England to contact their councils to find out what support is available in their area. 26 million awards from the Household Support Fund have been made since its launch in October 2021.

Wider government support to help families with costs has also been made available this financial year – including a £900 payment for those on means-tested benefits, £300 for pensioners and an extra £150 available for disabled people. Average energy prices have also fallen again this month – down by 55% since their peak.

Those who qualify for the Warm Home Discount in England and Wales will receive a letter from October onward explaining the discount and instructions on what they need to do next, while customers in Scotland will need to apply directly with their energy supplier as soon as possible. 

Mike Thornton, Chief Executive at Energy Saving Trust said:

As we head into the colder winter months with energy prices remaining high, it’s vital that people know how to reduce the amount of energy they use around their home to keep bills as low as possible. 

Public information, engagement and advice have a vital role to play, therefore we welcome the relaunch of this UK Government campaign.

We hope its continued success paves the way for further initiatives that inspire positive behaviour change around energy consumption in the future.

Notes to Editors

  • To qualify for the Warm Home Discount, customers must have an account with one of 17 participating electricity suppliers and claim either (a) the Guarantee Credit portion of Pension Credit or, if they have high energy costs, (b) a different ‘qualifying benefit’ such as the Savings Credit portion of Pension Credit, Universal Credit or Housing Benefit.
Published 16 October 2023