Copies of the letters confirming Commissioner appointments at Birmingham City Council.

Applies to England



Copies of letters from Max Soule, Deputy Director, Local Government Stewardship at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to:

  • Max Caller CBE, appointing him as lead commissioner at Birmingham City Council to set the direction of the intervention and lead the commissioner team
  • John Coughlan CBE, appointing him a commissioner with a focus on cultural change and transformation
  • Chris Tambini, appointing him as commissioner with a focus on finance
  • Pam Parkes, appointing her as commissioner with a focus on human resources and organisational design
  • Jackie Belton, appointing her as commissioner with a focus on the Council’s housing function
  • Myron Hrycyk, appointing him as commissioner with a focus on IT and commercial
Published 5 October 2023