The Prime Minister has appointed James Twining as Trustee and Audit and Risk Chair of the National Heritage Memorial Fund and The National Lottery Heritage Fund

James Twining 

Appointed from 1 December 2023 to 31 November 2026

James Twining is the Chief Executive of the Wren Sterling Group, a national firm of independent financial advisers, having previously been the CEO of the Kingsbridge Group, a specialist insurance broker. He has worked in financial services for over 28 years, having started his career in investment banking, before working as a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Co. and as the Commercial Director of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Plc. James was until June 2022 a Trustee and Vice Chairman of English Heritage, which he joined having previously been the Chairman of the English Heritage Foundation. While at English Heritage he was a member of the Audit and Risk Committee and Chaired the Investment and Fund Raising Committees.

Remuneration and Governance Code

The Audit and Risk Trustee of the National Lottery Heritage Fund is remunerated at £13,500 per annum. This appointment has been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office’s Governance Code on Public Appointments. The appointments process is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Under the Code, any significant political activity undertaken by an appointee in the last five years must be declared. This is defined as including holding office, public speaking, making a recordable donation, or candidature for election. James Twining has declared no political activity.

Published 15 January 2024