Ambassador Neil Holland congratulates both Azerbaijan and Armenia on the recent progress made towards a lasting settlement and urges them to build on this momentum.

Neil Holland

Thank you, Foreign Minister Bayramov, for your address. Welcome to the Permanent Council.

The UK Government is closely following the ongoing peace negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and we welcome the participation of both countries in working towards a settlement of all outstanding matters between them. We congratulate both sides on the progress made so far and urge you to build on this momentum. It remains clear: only through peacefully facilitated dialogue can a lasting settlement be reached.

The OSCE can make a valuable contribution to peace and stability in the region, through its versatile toolkit and valuable expertise, from conflict mediation, resolution, and monitoring to economic and environmental issues. I know my Minister is looking forward to meeting you and discussing these and other issues at the UK-Azerbaijan Strategic Dialogue in London soon.

Foreign Minister, allow me to echo my colleagues and stress that for the OSCE to remain fully functional it requires strong governance and adequate funding. We regret that the continued non-agreement of the Unified Budget is negatively impacting the work of the whole Organisation. Agreement is essential to the effective running of all field operations and institutions – and we encourage Azerbaijan to engage constructively on the next revision of the Unified Budget Proposal.

Minister, thank you once again for addressing us and we wish you the best for your ongoing dialogue.

Published 6 June 2023