The Evaluation Task Force is excited to share details of four funds, worth over £50 million, to support evaluations across government!

The Evaluation Task Force (ETF) is supporting four funds which focus on supporting the development of evaluations across priority areas in government. These offer exciting opportunities to test new ideas and build evidence into your work. See below for further information on each of the funds.

The Evaluation Accelerator Fund

The ETF has entered the final round of the £15 million Evaluation Accelerator Fund. This fund aims to accelerate evaluation activity and create actionable evidence in government priority areas, tackle evidence gaps, and provide robust evidence from new policies to service delivery. In phase 1 and 2, 20 projects were successful.

The remaining £1.25 million of the fund is available to government departments, arms length bodies or What Works Centres (WWCs) for projects beginning in April 2024. Applications close on 31st July 2023.

Further details can be found at Evaluation Accelerator Fund guidance. Contact if you have any questions.

The Labour Market Evaluations and Trials Fund

The Labour Market Evaluations and Trials Fund has launched its first round. £37.5 million is available to central government departments to expand the evidence base on what works to improve labour market outcomes in the economy.

Further information can be found on the Labour Market Evaluation and Trials Fund page.

The Evaluation Development Fund

UKRI are offering 12 months of funding worth £3 million to undertake evaluation activities that build evidence on interventions for increasing opportunities and reducing disparities in economic, health and social outcomes across the UK.

Applications close on 31st October 2023.

Visit the UKRI Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund for further information.

The Trial Accelerator Fund

£12 million is available to fund projects testing and rigorously evaluating the effectiveness of interventions aimed at spreading opportunities and reducing disparities in economic, health and social outcomes across the UK.

Applications close on 31st October 2023.

Find out more at the UKRI Creating Opportunities Trial Accelerator Fund website.

Published 13 July 2023