The UK’s Permanent Representative to the WTO and UN, Simon Manley, delivered a statement during Mauritius’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you, Mr Vice-President, and welcome Minister.

Regarding the British Indian Ocean Territory/Chagos Archipelago, and noting our previous exchanges on this subject at this Council and elsewhere, we do ask that the Working Group report reflect that the UK and Mauritius are in negotiations on the exercise of sovereignty over BIOT/Chagos Archipelago.

Let me welcome the broad progress Mauritius has made on human rights since its last review and recommend that it:

  1. Amend the Criminal Code to reflect the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex sexual relations;

  2. Fully implement and report regularly on progress of the National Gender Policy and the National Strategy & Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence;

  3. Monitor and report on how climate change in Mauritius impacts on its human rights situation, including as a Small Island Developing State.

Thank you.

Published 24 January 2024