The UK’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Simon Manley, delivered a statement at Luxembourg’s UPR at the Human Rights Council.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you, Mr President. Je voudrais souhaiter la bienvenu à la délégation luxembourgeoise et je voudrais la remercier pour les réponses à nos questions.

Tout d’abord, nous reconnaisons le travail formidable de Luxembourg en tant que member de ce Conseil.

We also commend Luxembourg’s progress in furthering women’s rights and empowerment, including its work to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and work to promote gender diversity in the financial sector.

We also welcome Luxembourg’s efforts to strengthen the maximum penalties for crimes of incitement to hatred and violence. However, we note that Luxembourg does not report hate crime statistics, so:

We recommend that Luxembourg:

  1. Take effective measures to collect information on hate crimes and report statistics, so as to strengthen the protection of the rights of ethnic and religious minorities.

  2. Endorse and encourage use of the Murad Code.

  3. Continue to contribute to the fight against sexual and gender-based violence.

Thank you et merci, Monsieur le President.

Published 5 May 2023