Letter to industry: Registration of the Building Control Profession – transitional arrangements

Director of Building Safety for HSE, Philip White, has today written to the Building Control industry outlining new transitional arrangements for the registration of building control inspectors in England.

The Building Safety Regulator has listened to the concerns raised by the profession, including the potential impact on the construction industry if there are not enough inspectors registered to practice by the legal deadline.

It is crucial these concerns are balanced with the requirement for BSR to implement the Building Safety Act, 2022 and the need to raise standards in the profession; it is also important to remember that these changes were introduced in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

A competence assessment extension period of 13 weeks will be introduced from 6 April to 6 July 2024 to enable those who meet specific criteria to continue to operate. This is not an opportunity to delay completing registration as an RBI and there will be no extension to these arrangements.

BSR has seen a positive response to the changes among the profession and it is encouraging to see a large number of people already engaging with the process. As of today (14 March) 3,261 professionals have started their applications to register.

In line with BSR’s enforcement policy statement and the principles of proportionate regulation, BSR will target its regulatory activity at those who present the greatest risk, particularly those who are not engaging with the new regulatory regime.

Open letter to Building Control professionals – March 24

Letter from the Director of Building Safety to industry:

Dear colleague,

As you will be aware, a number of concerns have been expressed by the building control profession about whether enough building control professionals will be registered as RBIs by 6 April.

I understand those concerns and have been working with colleagues in BSR and across government to consider what we can do to support the profession. To that end, the decision has been taken to implement a competence assessment extension period for those meeting set criteria. 

Professionals who are not registered by 6 April will not benefit from the extension period and will not be able to continue to work on regulated building control activities. 

Experienced building control professionals who are not trainees but have not yet completed a competence assessment will have the scope of their registration temporarily extended provided they meet the following criteria: 

Temporary Class 1 Registration Extension Criteria:

  • They are an existing building control professional;
  • They are registered as a Class 1 RBI by 6 April 2024; 
  • They are enrolled in, and in the process of having their competency assessed through, one of the BSR approved competency assessment schemes by 6 April 2024. These are: cbuilde.com, www.thebscf.org, www.ttd-education.org; and
  • A scheme provider has not told them that they have not passed their competency assessment for a second time

Those who meet the above criteria will be allowed a period of 13 weeks from 6 April 2024 to 6 July 2024 to complete their competency assessment and upgrade their registration to Class 2 or 3 (and 4, if applicable).

During this period, the scope of their registration will be temporarily extended, and they can continue to undertake building control work for the class of RBI for which they are undertaking a competency assessment. 

Those who meet the criteria but do not successfully complete a competency assessment and upgrade their registration class by 6 July will not be able to continue to undertake regulated building control activities.  

More detail on the transitional arrangements can be found here: https://www.hse.gov.uk/building-safety/building-control/codes-standards.htm 

This must not be seen as an opportunity to delay – there will be no extension to these arrangements. From 6 July 2024 any professionals who have not completed a competency assessment and upgraded their registration class will only be able to undertake work under supervision. 

We expect employers to support staff going through the assessment process by ensuring they have time to complete the assessment process and providing assistance and support to help them to succeed.

I encourage everyone who has not yet done so to register with BSR and enrol with one of the competency assessment schemes as soon as possible.

Philip White

Director of Building Safety, HSE

Notes to editors:

  • Plans for regulation of the Building Control profession were introduced in the Building Safety Act 2022. BSR has worked closely with representative bodies from the profession over a considerable period of time to prepare for implementation of the new requirements.
  • The standards required to demonstrate competence have been regularly communicated to the profession. The Building Inspector Competence Framework (BICoF) went through a full public consultation between October and December 2022 and was published in April 2023.
  • To continue to carry out building control restricted activity between 6th April 2024 and 6 July 2024, people who are already working as building control professionals but have not yet demonstrated their competence, must register as a Class 1 Registered Building Inspector, and have signed up with a competence assessment scheme.
  • Registered Building Inspector’s competence requirements are set out in the BICoF. The class of registration required to be achieved will depend on the complexity and risk of the building work being controlled. Inspectors must select a class of registration appropriate to their work and demonstrate their competence through an independent competence assessment scheme. There are 4 Classes of building inspector registration. Class 1, 2, 3 & 4.
  • All Registered Building Inspectors sign up to the Code of Conduct and are accountable to the Regulator. The Code of Conduct also places a responsibility on registered building inspectors not to act beyond their individual competence.
  • BSR will focus regulatory activity on building control bodies and inspectors who have not registered and who are not engaging with the regime.