Inverclyde Council secured £19.4 million from the Levelling Up Fund for the transformative regeneration of Greenock.

Regenerating Greenock

Regeneration of the town centre will make Greenock:

  • more attractive
  • bring in more visitors
  • create new opportunities

Key improvements include:

  • redesigning and lowering the A78 flyover to ground level to improve access and create better connections to the town centre
  • replacing the bullring roundabout with a new low-level road, connecting different parts of the town centre.
  • developing new public spaces for the local community
  • modernising retail space in the town centre by demolishing the A78 Dual Carriageway and 40% of the Oak Mall

New space will be created for a new learning quarter and campus. It will also create opportunities for a new cultural centre and quarter in the town centre around the Glebe Building.

Lastly, the improvements will make the town centre more accessible for residents and visitors.

Find out more about Levelling Up

Published 23 October 2023