26 September 2023 18:13 Man jailed for terrorism and child abuse offences A man has been jailed after counter terrorism officers found a cache of terrorist documents and child abuse images in his possession.

A Met Counter Terrorism Police investigation which uncovered a multitude of terrorism and child abuse offences has concluded with a man being jailed.

Sejr Forster, 26 (15.09.97) of Norfolk was arrested at his home in May 2022 by counter terrorism officers who identified he had been stockpiling terrorist documents.

They were assisted by counter terrorism colleagues from the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit.

When asked for his phone, Forster said he had lost it at the pub, however diligent detectives found it hidden beneath his mattress.

Digital forensic specialists subsequently pored through Forster’s phone, finding more than 750 indecent pictures and videos of children aged as young as three.

The terrorist material Forster had included both digital and hard copies of manuals describing how to make weapons and explosives.

Commander Dominic Murphy, head of the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, said: “Forster built an appalling library of terrorist and child abuse material. His stockpile included the most serious types of child abuse images, and detailed bomb-making instructions. We also found texts and paraphernalia that highlighted his extreme right-wing mindset.

“It’s thanks to the thoroughness of counter terrorism investigators that Forster has been held to account both for the terrorism offences and child abuse crimes.”

Forster was convicted of three counts of collection of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, contrary to section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000, and three counts of making indecent images of children (categories A, B and C), contrary to the Protection of Children Act 1978.

Today (26 September) at the Old Bailey, a judge sentenced Forster to four years in jail, plus one year on licence.

He will be subject to a ten-year terrorism notification order and a ten-year sexual harm prevention order once he is released, both of which are intended to reduce the ability to cause further harm.