22 September 2023 14:05 Commissioner reflects following discussions with firearms officers Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has been meeting with firearms officers who continue to police across London following the CPS decision to charge a Met officer with murder earlier this week.

On Tuesday the CPS confirmed a Met officer had been charged with murder following the fatal shooting of Chris Kaba.

Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has been meeting with firearms officers who continue to police across London.

He has released a short statement reflecting on those conversations:

“This week a Met firearms officer was charged with murder following the fatal shooting of Chris Kaba.

“I cannot talk about that case specifically as proceedings are very much active and I am mindful of the impact this is having on all those directly affected.

“On Thursday I met with 70 firearms officers to reflect on the events of this week.

“Like me, they understand the importance of transparency and accountability, and recognise the awful effect on everybody involved on the very rare occasions when lethal force is used by the police.

“That impact is exacerbated by the very slow speed that investigations, trials, inquests and hearings run at, meaning the lives of everyone affected are on hold for many years.

“They were understandably anxious as they consider how others may assess their split second decisions years after the event, with the luxury of as much time as they want to do this, and the effect this can have on them and their families.

“As I continue my work today, our firearms officers are on patrol deployed on proactive crime and counter terrorism operations as they are every day.

“They are not only prepared to confront the armed and dangerous to protect London’s communities but they do so recognising the uniquely intense and lengthy personal accountability they will face for their split-second operational decisions.

“Indeed, I understand why many of them are reflecting on the potential price of such weighty responsibilities.

“Bravery comes in many forms.

“When officers have the levels of uncertainty and worry I saw in my colleagues today, simply going in and doing their jobs not knowing what incidents are ahead of them is courageous.”