Interactive dialogue with the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia. Delivered by the UK’s Ambassador to the WTO and UN, Simon Manley.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you, Mr Vice-President.

While the conflict in Ethiopia has diminished, it certainly has not, unfortunately, disappeared.  We are deeply concerned by the latest reports of clashes in Amhara and Oromia, and the continuing situation in Tigray, where Eritrean forces are still present.  The human rights implications of these are still severe, and require independent investigation.

It is clear there are still deep divisions and tensions in Ethiopia, which must be reconciled. In this regard, we welcome the Pretoria Peace Agreement, which must be implemented rapidly and in full. In particular, we stress the importance of genuine accountability for violations and abuses, and a credible, impartial, independent transitional justice process, and note the Government of Ethiopia’s commitment to this.  We urge them to implement this in a way that is credible to all victims, across all ethnic groups. We also call on Ethiopia to work with its international partners in support of its stability and economic development.


Thank you for your important report, and your excellent work.  What do you see are the main barriers to accountability for human rights in Ethiopia, and how can implementation of Ethiopia’s Transitional Justice policy be best supported by the international community?

Published 21 September 2023