Ambassador Neil Holland expresses concern regarding disruption to the Lachin Corridor and urges all parties to allow the ICRC access along all available routes.

Neil Holland

Thank you, Deputy Foreign Minister, for your report to the Permanent Council.

The United Kingdom remains deeply concerned by the ongoing disruptions to the Lachin corridor and the associated humanitarian consequences for the local population, particularly with regard to the supply of medicine, health care, and other essential goods and services. It is therefore crucial that the ICJ Order of February 2023 is respected to ensure unimpeded movement along the Lachin corridor in both directions.

The UK also strongly urges all parties to allow the ICRC access along all available routes – such as via the Aghdam road – for the organisation to be able to undertake its vital work. All parties must refrain from the further politicisation of humanitarian aid in order to meet the needs of the civilian population.

The United Kingdom notes with concern the heightened tensions following a recent increase in border violations and military manoeuvres on both sides. We are clear that there is no military solution to this conflict and urge both sides to redouble their efforts to make progress in internationally mediated negotiations, including by making provisions to protect the rights and security of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh.

It is only through diplomacy and in line with the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity enshrined in the UN Charter and Helsinki Final Act that we will see a lasting resolution to this conflict and an historic peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Published 12 September 2023