Ambassador Neil Holland says that Russia is using violence and aggression to try and rewrite the rules, redraw borders and ignore the will of the Ukrainian people.

Neil Holland

Thank you, Mr Chair. I want to begin by condemning Russia’s appalling missile attack on a market in Kostyantynivka, eastern Ukraine. Those responsible must be held to account. Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population and civilian objects constitutes war crimes.

Mr Chair, as Russia fails to achieve its objectives on the battlefield, its desperation grows. Russia is imposing so-called “elections” on the Ukrainian oblasts it claims to have annexed last year, as well as in Crimea. This is a further violation of Ukraine’s sovereign and territorial integrity and the UN Charter. Alongside torture, forced deportations and summary executions, it is yet another despicable tactic to repress Ukrainian civilians. Civilians who have continued bravely to resist Russian aggression in the face of unspeakable atrocities. Civilians who are determined to remain part of an independent and sovereign Ukraine.

Mirroring last year’s sham referendums, these illegitimate “elections” are straight out of the Kremlin playbook. Media have reported door-to-door visits of armed military forcing residents to partake in the vote. However, just like in September 2022, the results will have no credibility. These so-called elections are simply another way for Moscow to fuel its propaganda machine and attempt to legitimise its illegal presence in Ukraine.

Mr Chair, Russia is seeking to deceive the world to further its territorial ambition. However, as the international community made overwhelmingly clear at the United Nations General Assembly last year, Russia’s attempts to take Ukrainian territory by force or intimidation will never be recognised. Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Crimea are all irrefutably part of Ukraine. Falsified elections will never change that.

Using its repressive measures in Crimea as a blueprint, Russia has expanded restrictions on human rights and fundamental freedoms to the temporarily controlled territories of Ukraine. At every level, President Putin is attempting to eliminate any trace of Ukrainian statehood and identity. Forcefully deporting children. Restricting Ukrainian language and culture. And imposing Russian laws, currency, media and passports.

As part of its brutal campaign of repression, Russia has taken political prisoners in areas it temporarily controls, as well as in illegally annexed Crimea. These political detainees are kept in appalling conditions. Two such political prisoners, Dzhemil Gafarov and Kostiantyn Shiring, have already died while being held captive. In contravention of international law, Russia is not providing prisoners with adequate access to medical care. Many are in agony, often with life-threatening illnesses. The United Kingdom calls for the immediate release of all Ukrainian political prisoners held by Russia, especially those who require urgent medical assistance. Russia must, and will, be held accountable for the horrific suffering it is visiting upon Ukrainian detainees.

Mr Chair, Russia is using violence and aggression to try and rewrite the rules, redraw borders and ignore the will of the Ukrainian people. Russia has demonstrated complete disregard for international law and the core principles upon which this organisation was founded.

We reaffirm that the only path to peace is if Russia ceases its illegal war, withdraws all its forces and military equipment from Ukraine, and respects the will of the Ukrainian people for a wholly independent and democratic Ukraine.

Published 8 September 2023