Terms of reference published for study that considers the most effective way to run HS2 trains to Leeds.

Huw Merriman MP

The Integrated Rail Plan (IRP), published in November 2021, set out a £96 billion investment to benefit the Midlands and the North, the largest ever government investment in the railways. The government stands by the conclusions of the Plan and continues to consider it the most effective way of providing rail benefits to the North and Midlands.

As part of the Plan, we also committed to take forward a study to consider the most effective way to run HS2 trains to Leeds.

I am today (17 July 2023) publishing the terms of reference for this work, which will include consideration of station capacity at Leeds and the implications of different options on the wider network.

The proposals set out in the Integrated Rail Plan bring communities and labour markets together and will support growing our economy in towns and cities across the nation.

The work in the study will consider a range of options and take account of value for money, affordability, deliverability and timescales, economic development, disruption to passengers and local views and evidence. The study will be extensive and will take 2 years to complete.

As this work progresses, we intend to review the case for dropping certain options, taking account of evidence gathered, particularly on costs, affordability, benefits and value for money.

In addition, the Transport Select Committee, on 13 July 2023, published the government’s response to their report on the Integrated Rail Plan. In response to the following recommendation on Bradford:

The government should reconsider the case for the development of a new station in Bradford. The development of the St James’s Market station would not only enhance rail connectivity in the North, allowing further investment in the city, but also provide further opportunities for rail development in Bradford after the ‘core pipeline’ of IRP upgrades take place. – (Paragraph 63)

I have confirmed that the government accepts this recommendation.

The government stands by the conclusions of the Integrated Rail Plan on Bradford, and the benefits that plan brings to the city. However, in light of this recommendation, a reassessment of the evidence for better connecting Bradford and the case for a new station will now form part of the Northern Powerhouse Rail development programme and the HS2 to Leeds Study.

The government’s approaches for Leeds and Bradford remain those which were set out in the Integrated Rail Plan and the undertaking of this work does not guarantee further interventions will be agreed or progressed.

The government remains committed to the Integrated Rail Plan’s £96 billion envelope and expects that additions or changes to the core IRP pipeline will be affordable within that. Any options that are progressed, including those that would exceed the £96 billion envelope, will be subject to the established adaptive approach, as set out in the IRP.

Published 17 July 2023