Annual report highlights policy achievements “in most difficult of times”

The report sets out progress towards achieving the Welsh Government’s 10 wellbeing objectives, included in the current Programme for Government.

It highlights a wide-range of achievements over the last year, including providing high quality and sustainable healthcare, a stronger, greener economy, education reform, supporting the most vulnerable, celebrating diversity, continuing the push towards a million Welsh speakers, and responding to the climate and nature emergencies.

Some of the commitments are included in the Co-operation Agreement with Plaid Cymru. The second Co-operation Agreement annual report is due to be published by the end of the year.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“We continue to deliver in the most difficult of times. The last year has been another challenging one – marked by a deepening cost-of-living and energy crisis, the brutal war in Ukraine and the climate and nature emergencies. Our public services are recovering from the impact of the pandemic as we have thankfully moved beyond the emergency response.

“We have achieved a great deal over the last year, while delivering targeted support to help people with the cost-of-living crisis and a Super Sponsor scheme to support people fleeing the war in Ukraine. I especially want to pay tribute to everyone in Wales who has provided safety and security to people from Ukraine, which shows we are truly a Nation of Sanctuary.

“Even as we have had to make tough decisions because of the huge financial pressures, our budgets remain focused on protecting frontline public services, providing support for people during the cost-of-living crisis and delivering our priorities.”