Former officer sentenced – Midlands

A former British Transport Police officer has today (8 June) been jailed after he was convicted of a sexual offence in April.

Kieran Ball, 30, was found guilty of voyeurism at Leamington Crown Court on 6 April.

Today (30 June) the judge sentenced him to 12 months in prison. He was also ordered to sign the sex offenders register for ten years and issued with a restraining order preventing him from contacting the victim or going within 100 meters of her address.

On 10 June 2021, when Ball was a serving police officer, a woman went to have a shower at a home address when she noticed an iPad belonging to Ball propped up on the windowsill.

She saw the iPad had been set on record for nearly six minutes and had recorded a video of her undressing. The victim took a video of this recording on her mobile phone and reported the incident.

Following enquiries by Warwickshire Police, Ball’s mobile devices were seized and he was interviewed for the offence of voyeurism, contrary to the Sexual Offences Act (2003). As a result he was suspended from BTP immediately.  

Ball never accepted any wrongdoing and tried to claim in court he had been using the iPad to pleasure himself. The jury found him guilty of the offence and he was formally dismissed from the force by the Chief Constable, following an accelerated misconduct hearing on 2 May.

Deputy Chief Constable Alistair Sutherland said: “Ball is a convicted sex offender who attempted to invade a woman’s privacy in a space she had every right to feel safe in  – so it is absolutely right that he’s been punished for the abhorrent crime he committed.

“He has clearly undermined the thousands of BTP officers who day in and day out work tirelessly to protect women and girls, and rightly hold themselves to the highest standards of integrity whether they are at work, at home, or anywhere else.

“We suspended Ball immediately, but we did not take any disciplinary action at this stage due to the risk in prejudicing the criminal proceedings – achieving the right outcome for the victim was something we cared very strongly about.

“As soon as he was convicted we used the accelerated misconduct hearing process and the Chief Constable dismissed him from British Transport Police. His actions are entirely inconsistent with our values and there is clearly no place in our force for individuals who behave like him.”