Events in Tallinn looked at how the cyber and electromagnetic domain plays a vital role in peacetime and crisis, including its impact on the war in Ukraine.

Cyber and electromagnetic domain experts and leaders came together in Tallinn at the Cyber Commanders’ Forum and CyCon 2023.

Collaboration with our allies and partners from across the world is vital – cyberspace has no borders – and the events provided the valuable opportunity for partners to tackle shared challenges.

General Jim Hockenhull, Commander of Strategic Command, attended on behalf of UK Defence and to represent the thousands of personnel whose diligent efforts help ensure the safety and security of the UK.

With over 30 nations represented, the Cyber Commanders’ Forum (CCF), hosted by the Estonian Defence Forces Cyber Command, covered topics including cyber education, training, and emerging and disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Cyber Conference (CyCon) 2023 saw over 600 cyber experts from nearly 50 countries come together to address current cyber security challenges through presentations, focus sessions, and breakout groups.

This year’s CyCon had a theme of Meeting Reality which included discussions on new technologies, both the benefits and opportunities they provide also the new threats they pose.

Speaking about the events, General Jim said:

Strategic Command leads cyber for UK Defence. It is a vital domain where global events are shaped – including the conflict resulting from Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.

There could be no more appropriate hosts for this year’s Cyber Commanders’ Forum and Cyber Conference than Estonia and Poland. UK Defence is proud of our close relationships with these vital allies, forged through our deployed contribution to NATO’s enhanced forward presence both here in Estonia and in Poland under Operation CABRIT.

It is essential that Allies, our partners in industry, and academia make a collective effort to operate together effectively in this domain to protect our nations, defeat and deter our adversaries. These events play a significant role in this integration and I am delighted to represent UK Defence at both.

Published 2 June 2023