UK military advisor, Ian Stubbs, says the Kremlin is struggling to explain its litany of strategic mistakes and failings on the battlefield to the Russian people

Thank you, Madam Chair. Russia continues to launch large-scale missile and drone strikes on towns and cities across Ukraine. The repeated barrages launched on the people of Kyiv, as they celebrated the anniversary of the founding of Ukraine’s capital, were particularly deplorable. Whilst reports indicate that most attacks continue to be successfully intercepted by Ukraine’s air defences, Friday’s strike against the medical facility in Dnipro was a particularly egregious act. Such indiscriminate missile and drone attacks constitute major human rights violations, are contrary to international humanitarian law, and achieve nothing.

Russia has repeatedly underestimated the strength and determination of the courageous Ukrainian people to defend their homeland. These horrific tactics did not work during the winter, when Russia targeted power stations and water supplies throughout Ukraine, and they will not work now. They will not compensate for Russia’s failings on the battlefield.

Madam Chair, on Monday [29 May] President Putin signed a bill on Russia’s denunciation of the CFE Treaty. Although symbolic, Russia has refused to abide by the CFE Treaty since 2007, this represents another step in Russia’s incremental rejection of the international rules based order.

From its failure to abide by the 1999 Istanbul Agreements, to non-compliance in the Open Skies Treaty, through to weaponisation of the Vienna Document, Russia has deliberately and systematically attempted to tear apart the European Security Architecture that was designed to keep the continent safe and free from war.

We should be clear, over the past decades, Russia has disregarded, manipulated or withdrawn from international agreements and treaties whenever they no longer supported its nefarious aims. The outcome of this approach is evident in Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine and more widely.

On Monday, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov proclaimed that Russia was not at fault for the “huge void” in arms control. Well, the facts tell a different story. The “Russia is the victim” argument is so tired and so ridiculous that even the Russian people must see it for what it is – an overused and desperate retort by the Kremlin to try and explain its litany of strategic mistakes that have decimated Russia’s once proud global reputation.

Russia’s actions in Ukraine have been reprehensible and cowardly. Russia has demonstrated complete disregard for International Humanitarian Law; Russia has unleashed horrendous violence, conducting heinous attacks impacting on civilians and civilian infrastructure; and Russia has demonstrated its willingness to sacrifice its own people in their thousands to try and overcome persistent and institutional poor decision making by the Kremlin. Putin’s horrific war of choice has created a legacy for which millions will be forced to bear the cost of for years to come.

Madam Chair, Russia’s announced intention to deploy nuclear weapons and nuclear-capable systems on Belarusian territory is the latest in a long pattern of irresponsible nuclear rhetoric. It is designed to distract and deter us from supporting Ukraine. Russia should seek to reduce tensions and the risk of miscalculation, not increase them.

Madam Chair, we again call on the Belarusian regime to desist from supporting Russia’s attempts to stoke further instability in the region and stop its support of Russia’s illegal invasion.

Madam Chair, the UK and its international partners are steadfast in our support for Ukraine as demonstrated by the continued provision of military assistance. Ukraine has regained territory and liberated thousands of Ukrainian people thanks to the awe-inspiring bravery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the resilience of the Ukrainian people and overwhelming international support. Together, the UK and partners are ensuring that Ukraine will win. Our united approach of providing Ukraine with the support it needs to defend itself and push Russia out of Ukraine’s sovereign territory is the swiftest, and only, path to a just and lasting peace. Thank you.

Published 31 May 2023