25 May 2023 08:00 Officer dismissed following misconduct hearing A Detective Inspector has been dismissed without notice following the conclusion of a misconduct hearing.

A police officer has been dismissed without notice following a misconduct hearing.

Detective Inspector Warren Arter of the Met’s South East Command appeared at a hearing to answer allegations that he breached the standards of professional behaviour for courtesy and respect; abuse of authority, discreditable conduct, duties and responsibilities, orders and instructions, and honesty and integrity.

It was alleged that between 2016 and October 2018 DI Arter bought drugs and also offered to provide a third party with drugs.

The panel also heard evidence that he had attended gatherings where drugs were present and were openly being taken, and that he had failed to take action or report a man who he knew was proving drugs to a woman in exchange for sex.

After hearing all the evidence, the misconduct panel found gross misconduct proven and DI Arter was dismissed without notice. The hearing concluded on 24 May.

The offences took place while the officer was off duty.

Chief Superintendent Trevor Lawry, BCU Commander for the South East Command said: “Police officers are rightly held to a higher standard and DI Arter is not representative of that level of professionalism.

“Being a warranted officer is a privilege, one that DI Arter has abused. Police officers are duty bound to report wrong doing and protect the vulnerable – he has failed to do either.

“It is right that he has been held to account for his actions and will now no longer be a police officer.”

Arter will now be added to the Barred List held by the College of Policing. Those appearing on the list cannot be employed by police, local policing bodies (PCCs), the Independent Office for Police Conduct or Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services.

Anyone with any information about a police officer or member of staff who works for the Met and is corrupt, abusing their position and power, can call the Anti-Corruption and Abuse Hotline, run by Independent charity Crimestoppers, on 0800 085 0000 or complete the online form at www.crimestoppers-org.uk.