Footage released after man punched onto tracks during fight between football fans – London

Officers investigating an incident of significant football violence at Finsbury Park station are today releasing this footage in connection.

On 15 January at around 8pm, a large fight broke out between football fans following the match between Tottenham and Arsenal.

During the fight, a man was punched to the side of the head which caused him to fall onto the tracks.

Officers have been provided the attached footage and have launched an investigation. They are now looking to identify those involved.

If you recognise those in the video, please contact BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 2300005066.

Finsbury Park 1.mp4

Police Sergeant Ben Roberts said: “We have absolutely zero tolerance for football related violence on the railway network, and treat incidents like this extremely seriously.

“Had a train been pulling in at the time we could easily have been dealing with a murder investigation – so it’s vital we identify those responsible so we can take action.

“I would urge anyone who recognises those involved to get in touch with us by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 2300005066.”