On 18-19 May 2023, the Defence Support organisation hosted its annual external conference at Radisson RED London Heathrow.

SupportNet23 hosted by Defence Support at Radisson RED, London Heathrow.

The event saw Support professionals from across Defence, Government, industry, academia, come together with International and European partners to discuss delivering greater resilience.

Chief of Defence Logistics and Support (CDLS), Lt General Richard Wardlaw, delivers keynote address at SupportNet23.

Day one featured several keynote speeches, including one by the conference host, Chief of Defence Logistics and Support (CDLS), Lt General Richard Wardlaw, who explored what resilience means in Defence. Other speakers included resilience expert, Professor Caroline Field from PA Consulting and NATO Assistant Secretary General Defence Policy and Plans, Angus Lapsley. Joining from the US were industry experts, Brandon Daniels of Exiger, Michael Moran of Boeing and Rear Admiral Doug Noble from the US Department of Defense.

A highlight of day two was Commander Strategic Command, General Jim Hockenhull, delivering a keynote address on the importance of integration, the opportunities that exist for Support, and how we must continue working together to deliver. He was joined by Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) Chief Executive, Andy Start, who spoke to the DE&S strategy. Speakers on day two included representatives from Extreme E, Wild Learning, Atkins, the British Antarctic Survey and 601 Sqn RAuxAF with sessions focusing on resilience from the perspective of team resilience as well as sustainability.

Throughout the conference, important themes were addressed including the need to invest in people to create a resilient mindset and culture as well as the impact resilience has on operations and the achieving of operational advantage. The Integrated Review Refresh emphasised the importance of resilience in our ever changing world and SupportNet23 reinforced this, calling for Defence and its partners to work together to seize the opportunities of the day.

Audience members listen to a SupportNet23 panel discussion.

With a wide range of exhibition stands on show, the MOD and Industry partners were provided the perfect opportunity to showcase their latest thinking in Support. The conference also allowed delegates an opportunity to share their thoughts and questions with panel discussions held throughout.

Addressing the conference during his closing remarks, Lt General Richard Wardlaw said:

I’d like to thank everyone who attended SupportNet23 including our sponsors and organisers. I was really encouraged by the interest shown in ‘Delivering Greater Resilience’, and the common purpose, energy and fresh insights this ambition generated across the Defence Enterprise.

You can continue the conversation on delivering greater resilience using #SupportNet23.

Published 24 May 2023