Written statement: Cabinet portfolios

I am this evening announcing changes to my Ministerial team. I have asked Jack Sargeant, Member of the Senedd for Alyn and Deeside, to join my team as the Minister for Social Partnership. I have widened the scope of some Ministerial portfolios, while I will retain oversight for ongoing discussions with TATA working closely with the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates. 

  • Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and the Cabinet Office: Rebecca Evans MS
  • Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs: Huw Irranca-Davies MS   
  • Cabinet Secretary for Education: Lynne Neagle MS  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Local Government and Housing: Jayne Bryant MS 
  • Cabinet Secretary for Health, Social Care and Welsh Language: Eluned Morgan MS  
  • Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Transport and North Wales: Ken Skates MS  
  • Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip: Jane Hutt MS 
  • Minister for Social Care: Dawn Bowden MS 
  • Minister for Social Partnership: Jack Sargeant MS   
  • Minister for Mental Health and Early Years: Sarah Murphy MS 

Note: The Counsel General offered his resignation to His Majesty the King which has been accepted. Section 49 (6) of GOWA provides that the functions are exercisable by a person designated by the First Minister if the Office of the Counsel General is vacant. Confirmation of the Counsel General designate will follow.