Written Statement: Central Procurement of Influenza Vaccine

In October 2022, I made a commitment in the National Immunisation Framework to scope changing the procurement model for inactivated flu vaccine to introduce a centralised model, in line with all other vaccinations. 

Following detailed consideration and close working with NHS partners and primary care representative bodies, I am pleased to confirm flu vaccine for the 2025-26 and subsequent seasons will be procured centrally by the Welsh Government. 

I am making this statement today, to provide clarity to primary care contractors that when the ordering window opens for the 2025-26 season in September 2024, they will not be required to place orders with vaccine manufacturers. 

Work will continue with all partners over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition to the new model next year. Further details about how the changes will be implemented will be provided in due course. 

I would like to put on record my thanks to all partners for their positive engagement with this important piece of work.