24 June 2024 12:29 Local Met officers bust cannabis farm in Hendon following resident concerns  A cannabis farm with over 150 plants was shut down by the Met’s neighbourhood police in Hendon using state-of-the-art technology.

A cannabis farm with over 150 plants was shut down by the Met’s neighbourhood police in Hendon using state-of-the-art technology.

Residents expressed concerns about drug dealing in the area and the associated violence and anti-social behaviour it brings.

As part of the Metropolitan Police’s commitment to community crime fighting, local officers have been proactively patrolling, engaging and listening to members of the community who provided intelligence about a suspected drug den.

Acting on the information provided, officers used a drone with thermal imaging to survey properties on Parade Street, NW4. The footage showed one building glowing white among a dark row of terraced houses, assisting officers when applying for a search warrant in court to search the building.

Over 150 mature cannabis plants up to six foot high, along with lights, heating systems and a bypassed electricity supply to heat the plants were found. Cannabis farms pose a serious risk of fire and structural damage due to high levels of heat they require and the unsafe electricity supplies that are set up. 

No one was in the property at the time of the warrant and investigations remain underway to locate those responsible.

Sergeant Darren Brain, who leads a local team of officers in Hendon, said:

“We are dedicated to tackling the issues that matter most to residents. People have told us they are worried about the impact drug dealing has on the local area, so we will continue to prioritise stamping it out.

“Gangs involved in dealing drugs regularly exploit the most vulnerable in society and cause them significant harm and upset. I would encourage anyone with information or suspicions about drug activity to contact us.

“Police Community Support Officers from my team have spoken to local residents and businesses to reassure them following the warrant. If you see us out and about, please come over and speak to us.

“The easiest way to report crime quickly is via our website or anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers. In an emergency, always call 999.”

As part of its commitment to reducing crime in London, the Met is prioritising neighbourhood policing and community crime fighting.  The New Met for London plan has seen the creation of dedicated neighbourhood Superintendents to oversee local strategies on behalf of their communities, and a commitment to ensure every ward in London has at least two officers and a PCSO.

There are a number of tell-tale signs to look out for in relation to cannabis farms:

  •  Strong potent odours
  •  Equipment to grow cannabis being taken into a property such as excess soil, lighting, buckets, insulation
  • Constantly covered or blocked off windows – cannabis farms often have constantly closed curtains, blinds or foil coverings
  • People coming and going at all hours or neighbours you never see
  • Strong and constant lighting day and night
  • High levels of heat and condensation on the windows
  • A constant buzz of ventilation – listen out for a whirring sound as the growers try to create an ideal climate for the plants to grow
  • An electricity meter that has been tampered with (electricity abstracted) and excessive electricity bills.
  • Cannabis farms produce a lot of heat. Be wary of a property without a snow-covered roof after snowfall.