UK explanation of vote delivered by Ambassador Barbara Woodward, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, following the Security Council vote on resolution 2735.

The UK voted for this resolution as an important step in bringing about an end to the conflict that has raged since the horrific attacks on 7th October, and moving towards lasting peace.

The situation in Gaza is catastrophic and the suffering has gone on for far too long. The deal on the table is something that the UK has long-called for. It is the best way to get the remaining hostages out, bring about an immediate ceasefire leading to a permanent end to hostilities and enable a significant scaling up of much-needed humanitarian aid.

We call upon the parties to seize this opportunity and move towards lasting peace which guarantees security and stability for both the Israeli and Palestinian people.

Far too many lives have been lost already. There is desperate need for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and hostages have now been held for over eight months.

News of the rescue of four hostages will be a huge relief to their families. Our thoughts are also with families of those still captive, and all the innocent lives – both Palestinian and Israeli – already lost and affected by the conflict. We must secure the release of all hostages and end the fighting.

The UK applauds the diplomatic efforts of Qatar, Egypt and the United States in negotiating the deal that is on the table. We note that Israel has accepted the deal, and call upon Hamas to accept the terms and bring an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people and the hostages that remain in detention.

We must then see a rapid increase in the flows of humanitarian aid throughout the entire Gaza strip, with the opening of all border crossings and facilitation of the minimum operating requirements of the UN and international humanitarian organisations.  

The UK remains in steadfast support of a credible and irreversible pathway towards a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace and delivering security for both nations and the wider region.

As we have made clear, a sustainable peace must also include Hamas no longer being in control of Gaza and international support for the Palestinian Authority so that it can resume governance and security responsibilities across the West Bank and Gaza. The UK stands ready to support this. 

President, the UK has long advocated for a deal such as the one on the table.

This conflict has gone on for far too long.

Now more than ever is the time for diplomacy.

Now is the time for peace.

Published 10 June 2024