Written Statement: Publication of a Community Plan for Caerau and Ely

Following months of conversations with local community members and stakeholders, the Caerau and Ely Community Plan is published today.

Following the tragic events of last May, Action for Caerau and Ely (ACE) was appointed to co-ordinate the development of a Caerau and Ely Community Plan, working closely with local organisations through a community steering group and engaging widely with residents of all ages. 

ACE was jointly funded by Welsh Government, Cardiff Council and the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, to lead this work and ensure the community plan was deeply rooted in the needs and aspirations of the people of Ely and Caerau.

The Welsh Government has been clear, the development of the community plan must be led by residents and local organisations in Ely and Caerau. This work has, however, been supported by a Ministerial Reference Group, chaired by Jane Hutt MS in her previous capacity as Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip.  This Group has met four times, with a final meeting will taking place today, combined with an Extraordinary Meeting of the Cardiff Public Service Board, to mark the publication of the plan and the anniversary of the events which led to what the local steering group have described as “an outpouring of community spirit”.

The Community Plan for Caerau and Ely sets out 40 objectives which focus on six key themes:

  1. Children and young people
  2. Community safety and safeguarding
  3. Spaces and the environment 
  4. Health and wellbeing
  5. Employment, living standards and cost of living
  6. Communications and community building

The drivers of the issues raised by the community are complex, and many will require a long-term strategic approach to deliver change for this community. The community plan pulls together these issues and identifies action to address these needs and concerns. ACE and Cardiff Council will now take forward implementation of the plan, with on-going support from a wide range of partners, including Welsh Government.

We are deeply grateful to the community members who contributed their time and energy to this development process over the past few months, sharing their personal views and experiences to ensure this is a community plan truly co-produced with residents. The plan aims to continue this positive momentum and build on the existing strengths of the community.