Cadw’s biggest conservation project taking shape at Caerphilly Castle

The project will be key in heightening the experience of visitors and is part of a wider regeneration plan for Caerphilly town centre.

The investments at Caerphilly Castle aim to make it a world-class visitor attraction while conserving the monument and preserving its history.

Work taking place at the castle includes refurbishing the Great Hall, where medieval banquets would have taken place. As well as this, the project includes a wildflower garden, new interpretation and improvements to the Earl’s Chamber, alongside essential conservation and accessibility work.

Caerphilly Castle is one of the great medieval castles of Western Europe and the largest castle in Wales. It was constructed in 1268-72 and was the most militarily advanced castle in the country at that time. Today, tens of thousands of visitors enjoy the castle’s rich heritage each year.

This investment is one of the most ambitious conservation and development projects ever undertaken at a monument by Cadw. Preliminary works were completed last year, including conservation and improvements to the roof over the Inner East Gatehouse which was designed to reduce the amount of rainwater entering the structure.

Cadw aims to present monuments in an enjoyable way without detracting from their historic and cultural value.

The Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Lesley Griffiths, said:

“Caerphilly Castle is crucial to the region and the number one attraction drawing visitors to the town. It’s been great to see the investment and conservation work which has already taken place and learn more about what comes next to ensure this remains a first-class experience for visitors. Our national heritage is as vital to people today as it has ever been and we must see and experience our history to understand it.

“Investment in both conservation and accessibility ensures more people can visit our historical monuments and enjoy them for generations to come. I look forward to following Cadw’s progress on this significant and ambitious project.”