Statement by Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council meeting on Gaza.

Dame Barbara Woodward DCMG OBE

President, I would like to start by offering the UK’s sincere condolences for the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall near Moscow. Our deepest sympathy goes to the families of the many victims.

President, the United Kingdom has long been calling for an immediate humanitarian pause leading to a sustainable ceasefire without a return to destruction, fighting and loss of life, as the fastest way to get hostages out and aid in.

That is what this resolution calls for and why the United Kingdom voted yes on this text.

President, Israel continues to reckon with the brutal horror of the October 7 attacks, and innocent hostages continue to be held by Hamas in Gaza. Israel has a right to defend itself and ensure such an attack can never happen again.

We regret that this resolution has not condemned the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas on the 7th of October. The UK condemns these attacks unequivocally.

This resolution sets out the urgent demand for the unconditional release of all hostages. And we welcome the ongoing diplomatic efforts by Egypt, Qatar and the United States to this end.

The intense suffering of innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza shows no sign of abating and a humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding before our eyes.

The resolution sends a clear and united message on the need for International Humanitarian Law to be upheld, and for aid to be scaled up urgently including the lifting of all barriers impeding its delivery.

President, the Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister have reiterated these messages in our contacts with Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli political leaders in recent weeks. We call for this resolution to be implemented immediately.

President, we need to focus on how we chart the way from an immediate humanitarian pause to a lasting, sustainable peace without a return to fighting.

That means the formation of a new Palestinian Government for the West Bank and Gaza, accompanied by an international support package; removing Hamas’ capacity to launch attacks against Israel; Hamas no longer being in charge of Gaza; and a political horizon which provides a credible and irreversible pathway towards a two-state solution of Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side, in security and peace. 

I thank you.

Published 25 March 2024