Statement for Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela. Delivered by the UK’s Permanent Representative to the WTO and UN, Simon Manley.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you, Mr. Vice-President.

Let me welcome this important update from the Fact-Finding Mission.   

We are deeply concerned by the ongoing arrests, harassment and arbitrary detentions of human rights defenders and opposition activists, including Rocío San Miguel. Respect for due process is fundamental and must be followed in all investigations.

We are also worried at wider constraints on media freedom, as well as the possible adoption of a draft law that will further constrain civic space.

Venezuela needs a strong plural civil society, and tolerance for democratic opposition to support democratic normalisation. The Barbados Agreement needs to be implemented in full to help ensure that Venezuelans in country and abroad can register and vote in fair and competitive elections. 

The reports presented to this Council are essential records of the human rights situation in Venezuela. The work of the Fact-Finding Finding Mission and the Office of the High Commissioner in Venezuela remain fundamental to ending impunity.  

Señora Valiñas,

What do you see as the human rights priorities in Venezuela as it approaches presidential elections? How can local authorities and the international community ensure these are implemented and respected?

Published 20 March 2024