Statement for the Special Rapporteur report on Myanmar, as delivered by the UK’s Human Rights Ambassador, Rita French.

Rita French

Thank you, Special Rapporteur, for your update.

As you have made clear, the Myanmar military continues to commit atrocities, including village burnings, mass killings and airstrikes against civilian targets. There can be no justification for such attacks on innocent civilians.

The humanitarian situation is worsening. More than 18 million people now require assistance, and over 2.6 million are internally displaced. Unobstructed humanitarian access must urgently be allowed to reach Myanmar’s most vulnerable.

We are extremely concerned by the military’s recent conscription announcement, which will only inflict more distress on the Myanmar people.

The Rohingya remain acutely vulnerable after suffering decades of systemic discrimination. They are now caught in the crossfire of the escalating conflict between the military and the Arakan Army in Rakhine State.

Accountability is vital.

That is why the UK continues to impose sanctions, targeting the regime’s access to arms, revenue and equipment. It is why we are shining a spotlight on the military’s actions at the UN Security Council. And it is why we continue to support the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) and the Myanmar Witness Programme.

We must end the culture of impunity.

Special Rapporteur, how can the international community best address the risks posed by the military’s recent conscription announcement?

Published 19 March 2024