Statement for the Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Fact-Finding Mission to Iran. Delivered by the UK Permanent Representative to the WTO and UN, Simon Manley.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you, Mr Vice President,

Esteemed members of the Fact-Finding Mission, thank you for your work.

Your report is clear – the Iranian authorities perpetrated egregious human rights violations in response to the wave of protests following the death of Mahsa Jina Amini in 2022. We are particularly concerned that you report crimes against humanity, including the crime of gender persecution, to have taken place.

Over 500 people killed in those protests. Thousands arrested. Harrowing reports of torture and sexual violence. Hasty trials, mass arrests of lawyers and intimidation of victims’ families. Nine people executed in connection to the protests. Many more awaiting the same fate. And that within a context in which state killings are taking place at an alarming rate. Over 800 people were executed in 2023 alone. The intent – to instil fear and chill dissent.

Following the protests, the authorities passed a new hijab and chastity bill, which will inflict even stricter measures on women who choose not to veil, including up to ten years in prison. Is this an appropriate response to those who were rightly calling for “Women, Life, Freedom”?

Iran must stop this blatant discrimination. It must stop its ruthless suppression of protests and dissenting voices. It must be held to account.

Published 18 March 2024