Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on North Korea.

Ambassador James Kariuki speaks at UN Security Council

Thank you President, and thank you ASG Khiari for your briefing. Colleagues, we are unfortunately gathered here once again to discuss the DPRK’s latest violation of UN Security Council resolutions. 

The United Kingdom unequivocally condemns the DPRK’s launch of yet another inter-continental ballistic missile on 18 December and the launch of a short-range ballistic missile a day prior.

This is the DPRK’s thirty-first ballistic missile launch this year. It is the fifth launch of an ICBM in 2023 – the most in any given year – and the third launch using solid fuel, demonstrating the DPRK’s desire to test its advanced capabilities.

It is the latest in a series of the DPRK’s blatant acts of defiance of this Council’s decisions – a clear and worrying pattern of escalation since the start of this year.

The DPRK’s actions violate multiple UN Security Council resolutions and demonstrates a flagrant disregard for the international nuclear non-proliferation regime. The international community must be firm and united in our response to these violations.

And yet the DPRK continues to be shielded by two Council members, further emboldening its unlawful behaviour. This cannot become the status quo. 

All UN Member States must respect and implement all relevant Security Council resolutions, including with regards to the transfer of technology to and from the DPRK.

We also call on the DPRK to, first, abandon its illegal nuclear and ballistic weapons programmes, which are impoverishing its own people and destabilising the wider region.

Second, to refrain from further provocations and return to compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Third, to sign and ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

And finally President, to take up repeated and unconditional offers of dialogue. Diplomacy is the only viable option to making progress towards a sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Thank you.

Published 19 December 2023