Written Statement: Appointing members to the Welsh Language Partnership Council

I would like to notify Members of the outcome of the recent process to appoint new members to the Welsh Language Partnership Council. The Council was established by Section 149 of the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011, and its main purpose is to give advice and guidance to Welsh Ministers in relation to the Welsh language and the implementation of its Welsh language strategy.

There was a positive response to the appointment process, with the standard of the applicants, as well as the range of expertise, extremely high. Deciding who to appoint was not easy. I’ve therefore decided to appoint seven new members, and I’m grateful to them for accepting the invitation to serve on the Partnership Council.

The new members who’ll be joining the current members of the Council will be: Anwen Eluned Davies, Meurig Jones, Manon Cadwaladr, Tegryn Jones, Meleri Light, Savanna Jones and Owain Wyn.

The new members will serve on the Council for the next three years. I’m confident that they have the necessary experience and expertise to support the Government. One of their tasks will be to contribute to the continuing work of implementing the Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers strategy.

I’m confident that the Council will continue to be a useful forum, as we move forward together towards a million Welsh speakers and doubling daily language use.