Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer spoke at the V&A recognising Stoke’s efforts to level up culture in the city and encourage philanthropy

The Rt Hon Lucy Frazer KC MP

Good evening everyone, It’s fantastic to be here with you all.

You are all part of a rich and proud tradition in the UK of charitable giving. We are a nation of philanthropists. Around two-thirds of us give to charity regularly. And the CAF World Giving Index ranks the UK number 3 in the world for giving.

In my experience, people in the UK will take any opportunity you give them to be selfless and share with others.

But we recognise, as a Government, that there’s still untapped potential within our philanthropy sector.

We want to maximise that potential. That’s why we’re actively looking at ways we can expand, enable and encourage more philanthropic activity.

Our aim is threefold:
– To make it easier to give.
– To encourage philanthropy across society.
– And to ensure those who give generously are recognised.

You understand, as we do, that the Government has a role to play in creating the right conditions for generosity.

And it is our job to make sure this culture shift happens in partnership with the sector.

Philanthropic networks, like ‘Made in Stoke’, are a great example of what is possible. Because the kind of innovative network that Tristram started not only enables and encourages philanthropy, it does it in parts of the country where support is most needed.

And look at the impact it can have. To date, Made in Stoke has led to a: 
– £10,000 investment into sports activities for Children;
– £50,000 going to dance and ballet classes for children; 
– And it is going to fund a group of young people to visit Pittsburgh next year

These figures shine a light on how important this 500-person network has become, and the fact that so many people are taking the opportunity to give something back to the city.
But the thing that is, arguably, most special about the network, is the focus it puts on Stoke’s unique arts and culture.

Tonight is a big chance for us all to celebrate Stoke’s crafts, artistry, innovation and industry.

And on that note, I’d like to finish by thanking Arts Council England for backing the Made in Stoke initiative, the V&A for hosting and Stoke Creates and New Philanthropy for Arts and Culture for organising it.

And to thank all of you for the role you play, individually and collectively, in your philanthropic work.

Published 11 December 2023