Following their meeting in London on 8 November 2023, The International Contact Group for the Great Lakes, under the UK chairmanship, released a statement on the current situation in the Great Lakes region.

Statement by The International Contact Group for the Great Lakes:

We shared concerns over the rising tensions in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the risk that the conflict presents to regional stability.

Collectively, we continue to recognise the ongoing suffering of the Congolese population, promote the primacy of a political resolution to the conflict and underline our continued support to the regional peace processes.

We expressed our concern that the ceasefire which had been in place since March 2023 is facing intense challenge. We call on all armed groups to return to a cessation of hostilities and condemn the continued support and assistance to armed groups. We stress that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of DRC and security of all countries in the region should be fully respected.

In line with the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the region, we will also continue to support the region in addressing the root causes of conflict in eastern DRC in support of lasting peace and long-term mutual prosperity in the Great Lakes.

We also discussed the forthcoming December 2023 DRC elections and the importance of them being conducted in a peaceful, free, fair, inclusive and timely manner, where the Congolese people can have faith in the electoral system and their voice is heard and respected.

We call on all stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue to address any issues that may arise in the preparation or conduct of the elections. We agreed that we would continue to monitor the situation closely in the run up to election day and beyond.

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Published 10 November 2023